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  • Technology Committee



The focus of this committee is to examine technology designed to facilitate evidence-based and promising supervision practices and to promote the use of technology for justice reform within the corrections industry. This committee shall provide information regarding the applicable use of applied and emerging technology in the field of corrections.  The committee will also strive to promote ethical standards in the use of technology and data.


The Technology Committee identifies, and reviews applied and emerging technology trends analyzing the potential for application within the corrections field.  Committee members are encouraged to actively watch for new correctional related technologies and to report on them.  Applied and emerging technology information and applications are communicated to MCA members via the MCA website, MCA Forum, MCA LinkedIn page, and email distribution lists.  Committee members author technology related articles for the MCA Forum and host technology related workshops at the MCA annual conference.


Jason Mereness (Chair) | Ramsey County Community Corrections

Mark Groves | 2023 MCA President - MN Department of Employment and Economic Development

Dan Traun | MN Department of Corrections

Michael Noel | Precision Kiosk Technologies

Jonathan Kemp | Kempsecure

Junior Salguero-Solis | Ramsey County Community Corrections

Brent Tilley | Minnesota Monitoring

Andrew Reed | Minnesota IT Services – Partnering with the MN DOC

Technology Resources

Emerging Technology

Coming soon.

Applied Technology

Coming soon.

Corrections Technology Partners

Coming soon.

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